Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Topshop from UK to US

Topshop, the british chain store comparable to H & M and ZARA with a lot more edge, opened it's doors to US patrons in NY on April 2nd, 2009. This department store is all the rage across the pond! They have been trying to do business here since 2007 and have been plagued with little things like fires and obtaining the correct permits for building and construction!

Their doors are now open, amid fanfare, parties, $5-$500 gift card give aways, and an appearance by Kate Moss who designs a line for the store . NY is only a 3-4 hour drive away from the DMV (DC,Maryland, VA). If you have the funds, this might be worth a look!

Motorcycle Jacket from Topshop website

For pics inside the store click here!

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