Sunday, February 15, 2009

Clothes Swapping

How can I grow my wardrobe with little to no money? Hmmm...I would have to think back, before the onset of the "greenback" as the dominant form of US currency with actual value and return to the barter system, simply trading goods or services.

"Andy" was kind enough to inform me of, a clothes swapping website based in the UK, and there is a similar site based in the US, www. Members can create wardrobes and swap clothing,shoes, and accesories with other members. Membership is usually free. In this econonmy, this a great way to add to the wardrobe while subtracting little from your wallet.

If you want to keep it more personal, you can form your own clothes swapping party and make a night of it. I may be hosting one soon!

Make sure your swaps are Sexy, Smart, & Stylish!

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