Friday, September 19, 2008

Shecky's Girls Night Out

Girls! Do you want to shop in a place with good deals, good drinks, and good company? Try Shecky's Girls Night Out! The best deal I saw... $49 for 7 for all Mankind, Citizen of Humanity, and Rock and Republic denim jeans! Admission for one is $10 or you can shell out $25 and it covers a single admission and a goodie bag with estimated value of $100.The event was held at DAR Constitution hall in NW Washington, D.C.

If you are into serious designer lablels then this is not the event for you...BUT if you are into finding unique pieces from small business owners, artisans, and boutiques, I think you will fair better. I dashed over on Thursday,after a long day of work, the last day of the event to peruse the wares..

Tam, Owner of Hush Boutique

Tam and her sales associate were friendly and cool! :o) I scored a Jordi Labanda T-shirt for $44 that retails for about $105. I absolutely love his notebooks!

Knit Caps from a NY based artisan, Claire Danes was a customer

Leather purses, the Orange was my favorite, $95.00

Handcrafted Jewelry, Liane Design

Dove held a raffle, winner received Dove Gift basket

Friday's provided drinks at no cost to patrons.. No Water!

Beer Pairing, Budweiser

Shecky's Girl's Night Out attempts to make your dreams come true! This event is coordinated by a media group, Shecky's Media Inc,that advertises itself as a the go-to place for all your hip and up to date nightlife,fashion, and beauty info. They focus on NY but have been holding Girl's Night Out Events in major cities throughout the US.

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